
Name Title Phone Email
Williams, Gary Maintenance Supervisor (919) 497-3276 gwilliams@lyhymh.net
Clark, John Director of Facilities & Maintenance (919) 497-3318 jclark@lyhymh.net
Rackley, Ranier Director of Botanical Gardens rrackley@lyhymh.net
Wilson, Bradley Maintenance Tech I (919) 497-3276 bwilson@lyhymh.net
Turner, Ezekiel Maintenance Tech I (919) 497-3276 ezturner@lyhymh.net
Nelson, Justin Maintenance Tech I (919) 497-3276 jnelson@lyhymh.net
Hargrove, Samantha Facilities Administrative Assistant (919) 497-3276 shargrove@lyhymh.net